Chat with Justin O’Neal Miller

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Please welcome Justin O'Neal Miller who works as an Art Director and indie film Writer & Director.

🎬 Justin went to college for architecture and now works as an Art Director. In between gigs, he works on his own projects as Writer & Director. His most recent short film, “Peggy,” is doing super well in the film festival circuit. We discuss his strategy for tackling the best way to navigate submitting to film festivals. Most film festivals have an archive of the short films that were accepted in previous years. Research them and why you and your film would be a good fit for the festival. Next, reach out to the Program Director. Explain in the e-mail why you are attracted to the film festival, include screen grabs from the film, and list other festivals you have gotten into.

Justin makes excellent points of how to mitigate risk in this mystified, uncertain industry. We also talk about finding a balance between work, life, learning, and making films. As well as finding our confidence and voice as filmmakers. It's a journey! 💜

⭐️Justin's Bio ⭐️

Justin O'Neal Miller is the writer, director, and producer of numerous commercial and narrative projects, including the award-winning short films “Restitution”, “The Roach”, and “Peggy". He studied at the Georgia Tech School of Architecture and practiced at the world-renowned architecture firm Mack Scogin Merrill Elam. His passion for design and storytelling led to a career in set design and art direction, working for feature films and television including "Tenet", "First Man", "Prisoners", "42: The Jackie Robinson Story", "American Made", "Baby Driver”, and "The Walking Dead". His most recent short film, “Peggy” was an official selection at 75 festivals including Tribeca, Nashville, and Palm Springs, and winner of 20+ “Best Short Film” awards.

☑️ Justin's website:

Peggy (short film):

The Roach (short film):

Restitution (short film):



My Writing Process (for TV & Film)


Chat with Jorge Del Valle (Sound Department in Film and TV)